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Don't Miss the Trump Administration's New Pro-Life Timeline

The Trump Administration is moving forward to enforce a new pro-life policy.

Family planning clinics that refer abortion services to women will soon be unable to receive federal funds. 

A new schedule was set into place on Friday, August 9.

The guideline stipulates that clinics will have until August 19 to provide a plan that complies with the new policy. Next they will be required to certify that their organizations are complying with the new rule by September 18.

The organizations will also be required to separate their finances, exam rooms, and office space from facilities that provide abortion services by March 4, 2020.

Many family planning clinics are considering dropping out of the government's program.

Maine Family Planning, a major provider who has been enrolled in the title X program for almost 50 years, expressed their intent to withdraw from the program rather than comply with the new policies.
Even though they stand to loose over $2 million a year, the organization's president George Hill stated " It is objectionable that the federal government is so arrogant as to dictate what our medical professionals can and cannot say to our patients."

Planned Parenthood would be greatly affected as well. The organization receives $50-$60 million of Title X funds annually. They also perform a large number of abortions. According to their 2017-2018 annual report,  they performed 332,757 abortion services in the past year alone. This is an increase from the 321,384 abortion services that Planned Parenthood reported the year prior.

Will more pro-life organizations grow and expand as a result of these changes? Only time will tell.

Want to learn more? Check out the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website here.


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