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Showing posts from March, 2020

International Women's Day: Empowering Women Can Save Lives

International Women's Day is a day where we celebrate women. Tale as Old as Time For as long as I can remember, society has engrained into us that women should be beautiful, sensitive, and sweet. We should wear dresses and heels to look pretty. Put on makeup to flatter our feautures. Shave to be nice and smooth. Paint our nails to accentuate our outfits.  Always be polite (even when we're uncomfortable). Cook nice meals for our family. And, clean the house to be effortlessly spotless. That's a women's role, right? Capable of More Women are capable of more than typical stereotypes. They are strong, smart, creative, and nurturing. We can anything. No one can hold us back from our dreams. Empowering Women Can Save Lives Every day pregnant women all over the world are having abortions. Many of them are killing their own child because they don't believe they are capable of being a good mother. They have fears about money, job sability, family, relationships,

Pro-Life Democrats Have No Candidate to Support

Millions of Voters Conflicted A ccording to a recent study, 17% of Democrats believe abortion should be illegal.  In fact, CBS news reported that there are  "roughly 21 million democratic voters who oppose legal abortion." Politically Homeless "I can't vote for any candidate who is going to violate fundimental basic human rights," expressed Democratic voter. "We're almost politically homeless," says Kristen Day, the executive director of The Democrats for Life of America. "When you look at the platform, that doesn't leave any room for people like me." What will happen next?  Left without representation, these pro-life Democrats have three options...  The first is to vote for a non-front running democratic candidate with more moderate views on abortion. The second is to consider supporting a Republican that has similar ideals. Sadly, the last option is to skip voting (which I would never recommend).   These mill